Welcome! Thank you for joining your fellow diners at Ruby Tuesday’s official Facebook page. We’d like to remind everyone that while Ruby Tuesday is excited to host this soiree, we cannot be held responsible for the opinions of our guests. In order to make sure everyone has an enjoyable experience, we’d like to encourage all of you to use good table manners when sharing content and interacting with your fellow fans on our page.
We reserve the right to remove the following from our Wall:
• Profane, offensive or violent language or content
• Off-topic or disruptive statements meant to hijack comment threads or throw discussions off-track
• Attacks on specific groups or discriminatory comments meant to harass, threaten or abuse an individual, such as comments regarding race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation or political beliefs
• Any illegal activity such as spam, links containing viruses, or violations of copyright or intellectual property rights
• Personal promotion or promotion of competing products, services or brands
Now that we’ve covered the rules, let’s toast to interesting and lively conversation! So glad you could join us, and we look forward to hearing what you have to say!
-The Ruby Tuesday Team